Important subjects
Although I know that I have to study a variety of subjects to be#e a well-rounded person, math and English are two courses on which I put special focus. The reason for my attitude #es from my career plans, I want to be#e a biotechnology engineer, Mathematics,of course, is basic to learn the physics , chemicals and #puter operations. English is also very important because the America has a big lop ahead in biotechnology. So if I what to keep ahead with the everyday news in this field , I have to reed a lot of materials in English and go to America for my future research. By working particularly hard in these classes, I feel I am furthering my career plans, as well as getting good grades now!
Worst subject
My worst subject in school was mathematics. I didn’t understand it as well as other subjects. Furthermore, it was hard for me to see the relevance of math in my life. I just never saw the point of studying so many formulas and equations that seemed do abstract. I think I could have been good in math if my teacher were to have taken more time to explain it ot me . Maybe I needed a different approach to math. In as much as I was weaker in math, I was stronger in art, literature and even biology so ether was balance in my subjects and in my marks.
A toy
My favorite toy in my childhood and at present is a stuffed bear, because it means a lot to me. Firstly, It’s a present from my parents, so it represents the love from them. It is their love that encouraged me through a lot difficult time. Secondly, It is also my fiend who tickles me and string along with me. When I am tied or sad, a simple look at its fuzzy body and cute face will lighten me immediately. At night I am used to carry it in arm while sleeping to keep myself away from loneliness.
It was something that helped me through my childhood and added to my social life. It stopped me from being lonely, and allowed me to feel empathy for something, even though it wasn’t rally alive.