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作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-9-9
    44. Animals And Plants:
    A bear growls. 熊在吼叫。
    to shower 洗澡
    to trumpet 咆哮
    to neigh, to whinny 嘶叫
    to roar 吠叫
    to howl, to snarl 远吠
    to bell (鹿)鸣叫
    to hiss (蛇)咻咻地叫
    to squeal, to squeak 尖叫
    to chirr...chirrup...chirr 唧唧地叫
    to crow: cheep-cheep, peep-peep 鸣叫声:吱吱,啾啾
    ma-a ma-a 呒呒
    meow, mew-mew 咪咪
    to hibernate 冬眠
    to hide in a hole 藏身穴中
    to cast off the shell 蜕皮
    to carry game to the nest 把猎获物搬到巢里
    The eagle glides gracefully. 老鹰优雅地在空中滑翔。
    The gorilla is beating his chest. 那只大猩猩在捶着胸膛。
    Leaves are falling. 叶子落了。
    Flowers are blooming. 花朵绽放了。
    The snake curls up. 蛇盘成一团。
    The insect is trapped in the spider's web. 蜘蛛捕捉缠在网上的昆虫。
    The netbugs are trapped in China Tele#'s web. 中国电信捕捉缠在网上的网虫。(一下子就联想到了)
    A squirrel cracks the nuts. 松鼠在啃坚果.
    The hippopotamus is sleeping. 河马在呼呼大睡。(河马这个词比较长,记住,可不是river-horse呀)
    A bat is hanging. 蝙蝠倒悬着。
    A hen is on her eggs. 母鸡蹲在它的蛋上。

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