作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-8-31
1.Even in a highly modernized country, manual work is still needed. A. expressive B. physical C. exaggerated D. dubious 【解析】A有表现力的;B身体的、物质的;C夸张的;D可疑的、暧昧的。选B。 2. Techniques to harness the energy of the sun are being developed. A. convert B. store C. utilize (使用) D. receive 【解析】A使转变、转换;B存储;C利用;D接收。选C。 3. Many residents of apartment #plexes object to noisy neighbors. A. managers B. occupants C. landlords D. caretakers 【解析】A管理者;B居住者;C房东;D看门者。选B。 4. The steadily rising cost of labor on the waterfront has greatly increased the cost ofshipping cargo by water. A. continuously B. quickly C. excessively D. exceptionally 【解析】A连续不断地;B迅速地;C过分地、极度;D异常地。选A。 5. Hundreds of years ago cloves were used to remedy headaches. A. disrupt B. diagnose C. evaporate D. cure 【解析】A使分裂,破坏;B诊断;C使蒸发;D治疗。选D。 6. John Hanson helped draft instructions for Maryland’s delegates to the Stamp Act Congress. A. clarify B. formulate (起草、制定、规划) C. revise D. contribute 【解析】A澄清、阐明。B规划、用公式表达。C修订、校订;D贡献、出力。选B。 7. Practically all species of animals #municate either through sounds or through a large repertory of soundless codes. A. Simultaneously B. Almost C. Absolutely D. Basically 【解析】A同时地;B差不多、几乎;C绝对地、完全地;D主要地、基本上。选D。 8. Sulphur has occasionally been found in the earth in an almost pure state. A. regularly B. accidentally C. sometimes D. successfully 【解析】A定期地;B意外地、偶然地;C有时、间或;D成功地。选C。 9. When doves are about two weeks old, they are covered with grey feathers and are ready to try their wings. A. grow B. wrap C. hide D. test 【解析】A生长;B包,缠绕;C躲藏、隐藏;D实验、测试。选D。 10. I rarely wear a raincoat because I spend most of my time in a car. A. normally B. seldom C. continuously D. usually 【解析】A正常地;B很少、不常;C连续不断地;D经常。选B。 11. When she was invited to the party, she readily accepted. A. willingly B. suddenly C. firmly D. quickly 【解析】A欣然地、乐意地;B突然地;C坚定地;D迅速地。选A。 12. The dentist has decided to extract her bad tooth. A. take out B. repair C. pull D. dig 【解析】A取出;B修理、修补;C拖、拉;D挖、探究。选A。 13. You must shine your shoes. A. lighten(减轻;点亮;启发) B. clean C. wash