作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-2-23
Feather: That's the truth. Mother Earth provides everything we need. Jun: Is it legal for you to be here? Feather: No. But we've been left alone so far. Jun: Will you stay here forever? Feather: I hope so. Hey, would you like a doobie? [Holds up a joint] Jun: [Sarcastically] No, I'm allergic to weed, but thanks, anyway. Feather: No problem. To each her own, sister. Jun: It's getting dark out. Maybe we should head back. 羽毛:这倒是事实。大地之母供给我们所需的一切。 小君:你们待在这合法吗? 羽毛:不合法。但到目前为止没有人管我们。 小君:你们会永远待在这吗? 羽毛:但愿如此。嘿,你要不要哈一管呀?(拿起一根大麻) 小君:(语带讽刺)不用了,我对大麻过敏,不过还是谢谢你喔。 羽毛:没问题。钟鼎山林各有天性,小妹。 小君:外面天色越来越暗了。也许我们该回去了。 重点解说: provide (v.) 提供 sarcastically (adv.) 讽刺地,挖苦地 doobie (n.) 大麻,joint (n.)(俚)大麻烟,weed (n.) 烟草,这此指大麻 allergic (a.) 过敏的,be allergic to… 对…过敏,常被用来当作委婉拒绝别人好意的借口