作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-2-22
Kathy: Hey there, boys. I heard this place serves some pretty good food. Dan: Well, the liquid food is definitely not bad. Kathy: Uh-huh. Well, don't get too drunk tonight. I have travel plans for the three of us for tomorrow. Dan: Oh really? And what did you have in mind? Kathy: I thought we could take a day-trip to Yingge. Dan: There you go. That's somewhere we haven't dragged Morley to yet. 卡西:嗨,男士们。我听说这里供应的食物不错喔。 阿丹:嗯,液体食物的确是不赖。 卡西:是吗。反正今晚别醉得太厉害。明天我有个咱们三人的旅行计划。 阿丹:真的吗?你有什么主意? 卡西:我想我们可以来个莺歌一日游。 阿丹:那就对了。那就是我们还没拉莫理去的地方。 重点解说 day-trip (n.) 一日来回的旅行,一日游 serve (v.) 供应(餐点) There you go. 那就对了。用来表示赞同对方的话 drag (v.) 拖拉