作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-2-2
几乎所有女人都曾买到过不合脚的鞋子,有些人甚至明知不合脚也要买下,没办法,因为这些鞋子实在太漂亮啦!那么,鞋子不合脚要怎么用英文表达呢? 1. Nearly four in 10 women buy shoes knowing they do not fit. 近四成的女性在购买鞋子时明知不合脚也会购买。 2. They are willing to wear un#fortable shoes as long as they were fashionable. 只要鞋子够时尚,她们宁愿忍受不适之苦。 3. Many of us find it hard to resist a bargain and the latest fashion must-have, but it's important to remember that by buying ill-fitting shoes, you're not only going to end up in dis#fort, but you are also putting your health at risk. 许多人很难拒绝特价商品以及最新必备鞋款的诱惑,但是这些人必须牢记,购买不合脚的鞋子不仅会令自己感觉不适,还会对健康造成危害。 4. Although “killer” high-heels can cause problems, slip-on shoes are one of the worst culprits, as they cause the foot to slide forward and cramp the toes. 尽管“惊悚级”高跟鞋会导致各种足患,但是无带、平底轻便鞋更堪称让人意想不到的足病的“罪魁祸首”之一,因为穿上这些鞋子走路时脚容易往前滑,由此会导致脚趾抽筋。 5. Worst of all are court shoes, as they are low-fronted, giving no support to the foot, and tend to be too narrow in the toe. 最糟糕的鞋子则是船鞋,因为它们通常为浅口鞋,对脚起不了任何支撑,而且脚趾处过窄。 6. Many people are wearing the wrong sized shoes on a daily basis without even realising it. 很多人每天穿着并不适合自己尺码的鞋子,但是却浑然未觉。 7. For frequent, everyday wear, women should choose a low-heeled shoe--no higher than 4cm--which has a rounded toe. 女性平日里频繁穿着的鞋子应当选择不高于四厘米的低跟鞋,而且鞋子的脚趾部位为圆形。 8. Last of all, if your new shoes are giving you hell, don't hesitate to throw them to garbage can! 最后,如果你的新鞋让你穿起来很不舒服,不要犹豫,把它扔进垃圾箱吧!